remembar!!yesterday,today and tommorow I love you coz ALLAH
Selasa, 29 November 2011
things in the classroom
My classroom
Hello my name is ghaitsa. I am in the sixth grade. This is my classroom. In my classroom, there are a whiteboard, pencils, a map, pencil case, books, picture, bags, eraser, basket of rubbish, ruler, sharpener, boardmarker, wall clock, a cupboard, 16 tables and 16 chairs, 15 tables and 15 chair to students, 1 table and 1 chair to teacher.
Every morning before we start to study. The students clean up the whiteboard, sweep the floors, wipe the tables, chairs and window, control the boardmarker and eraser throw the rubbish. If the classroom clean we enjoy to study.
Answer the questions below !
1 Who is student’s name in the text ?
2 How many tables and chairs in the class?
3 What they do before study in the morning?
4 Explain briefly if the classroom clean we enjoy to study!
Selasa, 28 Juni 2011
Cara Memakai Kondom
kondomSalah satu dari cara untuk menunda kehamilan dalam Keluarga Berencana (KB) adalah dengan menggunakan alat kontrasepsi kondom. Pada umumnya kondom terbuat dari bahan dasar karet yang didesain khusus elastis dan tidak dapat ditembus cairan. Pengetahuan yang cukup mengenai kondom mutlak diperlukan agar hal-hal yang mungkin tidak diinginkan dapat dikurangi resikonya.
Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin canggih telah menciptakan produk-produk kondom jenis baru yang dapat meningktkan kepuasan seksual hubungan badan / intim suami istri. Kondom yang ada sekarang ini sangat bervariasi baik dalam segi bentuk maupun rasa. Dalam hal bentuk, kondok bisa berupa kondom biasa, bergerigi, bersungut, berambut, baggy, ekstension, dan sebagainya. Sedangkan dalam hal rasa, kondom dapat memiliki rasa buah-buahan, mint, dan lain-lain. Semua ini tida lain untuk memberikan variasi alternatif bagi pasangan pasutri agar tidak bosan dengan hubungan yang ada saat ini.
Berikut ini adalah tips dan cara memakai kondom yang baik dan benar :
Membuka bungkus kondom jangan di tengah karena dapat ikut merobek karet kondom yang ada di dalamnya. Sobek pada bagian pinggir saja dengan penuh kehati-hatian. Bila sobek, buang dan beli lagi yang baru.
Pakai kondom saat kelamin laki-laki sedang kondisi tegang maksimal. Sebaiknya memasang kondom dibantu yang perempuan agar kondisi rangsangan dapat terus berlanjut.Berikan ruang yang cukup pada ujung penis pria tanpa udara.
Jangan dipakaikan semua agar ada ruang untuk udara yang mungkin timbul serta cairan pria yang mungkin dapat keluar secara tiba-tiba. Pakaikan seperti memakai kaos kaki yang ujungnya disisakan.
Memakaikan kondom dengan cara menggulung lipatannya, bukan dengan cara dipanjangkan dulu baru dipakaikan.
Jangan dioleskan atau dikenakan pada cairan berminyak karena dapat merusak bahan karet sehingga kondom dapat jebol sewaktu-waktu tanpa diduga.
Jika kondom robek segera hubungan tersebut dan ganti dengan yang baru dan bersih.
Buang kondom bekas yang sudah anda pakai ke tempat sampat yang jauh dari jangkauan anak-anak agar kuman dan bibit penyakit menular seksual yang mungkin saja ada tidak menulari anggota keluarga anda. Ikat kondom agar sperma tidak tumpah kemana-mana.
Beli kondom jangan yang bajakan atau tiruan, karena bisa saja kualitasnya tidak baik yang nantinya hanya akan merugikan anda dan pasangan anda.
ubun ubun bayi
Sekian lama orang tua khawatir kalau-kalau ubun-ubun bayinya tak kunjung menutup. Malah ada yang berpikir makin cepat makin baik, padahal sebenarnya proses menutup yang terlalu cepat bisa lebih berbahaya.
Sampai beberapa bulan setelah dilahirkan, tulang-tulang kepala bayi sebetulnya belum menyambung satu sama lain. Namun letaknya telah tersusun berdampingan secara rapi. Keadaan ini memungkinkan jaringan otak berkembang menjadi lebih besar, karena terdapat ruang yang bisa mengikuti besarnya otak.
Perlu diketahui, kepala bayi dibentuk oleh beberapa lempeng tulang, yaitu 1 buah tulang di bagian belakang (tulang oksipital), 2 buah tulang di kanan dan kiri (tulang parietal), dan 2 buah tulang di depan tulang frontal). Di antara tulang-tulang yang belum bersambung itu terdapat celah yang disebut sutura. Sutura-sutura ini ada yang membujur dan ada pula yang melintang. Nah, titik silang celah-celah itulah yang membentuk ubun-ubun depan (besar) dan ubun-ubun belakang (kecil).
“Ubun-ubun dan sutura-sutura ini normalnya menutup antara usia 6-20 bulan,” kata dr. Irawan Mangunatmaja, Sp.A(K) dari Sub-Bagian Saraf Anak, Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak, FKUI/RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta. Jadi, kalau ternyata di bawah usia 6 bulan sutura tulang tengkoraknya sudah menutup, bisa dikatakan menutup terlalu cepat. Jika masing-masing tulang sudah bersambungan satu sama lain, biasanya ubunubun juga ikut menutup. Istilah medis untuk penutupan sutura ini, craniosynostosis, berasal dari kata cranio yang berarti tulang tengkorak, syn yang berarti bergabung, dan ostosis yang artinya tulang.
Secara kasat mata, akibat proses penutupan tulang tengkorak yang kelewat dini bisa dilihat melalui bentuk kepala yang tak normal.Ketidaknormalan ini terjadi karena pertumbuhan kepala cenderung mengarah ke tulang yang suturanya menutup belakangan. Ketidaknormalanbentuk itu tentu saja tampak berbeda-beda, tergantung sutura mana yang menutup lebih dulu. “Sebagai contoh, kalau sutura
bagian depan sudah menutup lebih dulu, pertumbuhan kepala akan lebih mengarah ke belakang, dan akibatnya kepala jadi panjul.”
“Sutura atau ubun-ubun yang sudah menutup bisa mulai diketahui dari pemeriksaan yang dilakukan saat bayi baru lahir.” Dokter yang menolong persalinan biasanya dengan mudah bisa melihat kelainan itu. Ia akan curiga bila kepala bayi tampak lebih kecil dibandingkan badan. Yang normal, kepala bayi justru terlihat lebih besar daripada bagian tubuh lainnya karena keliling lingkar luar kepalanya sama dengan keliling dadanya.
“Inilah letak pentingnya mengukur lingkar kepala bayi pada saat ia lahir,” tandas Irawan. Dengan begitu, bisa segera diketahui bila sudah ada kecenderungan ubun-ubun menutup terlalu cepat. Pengukuran ini tentusaja tidak hanya sekali, tapi terus dilakukan setiap bulan bersamaan dengan pemantauan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak. Untuk mengetahui apakah ukuran lingkar kepala bayi normal atau tidak, dokter berpatokan pada grafik lingkar kepala berdasarkan umur yang
disebut grafik Nellhaus. Dengan grafik ini, adanya kelainan pada ukuran lingkar kepala dan proses pertumbuhannya bisa terdeteksi, baik jikakepala terlalu besar (misalnya karena hidrosefalus) atau
terlalukecil, misalnya karena craniosynostosis.
“Selain itu, pemeriksaan bisa dilakukan dengan meraba ubun-ubun besar bayi, apakah ukurannya normal atau tidak. Diameter ubun-ubun besar yang normal berkisar antara 0,63,6 cm dan bila diraba akan terasa berdenyut karena memang ada pembuluh darah di bawahnya,” kata Irawan.
Pemeriksaan ubun-ubun dan lingkar kepala ini sebenarnya tidak sulit. Orang tua pun bisa melakukannya di rumah. Lain hal dengan perabaan terhadap sutura kepala bayi yang biasanya agak lebih sulit. Bagaimanapun, celah antar tulang ini memang tak sebesar ubun-ubun.
Jika dari pemeriksaan ukuran dan perabaan kepala dicurigai ubun-ubun menutup terlalu cepat, dokter akan memeriksanya lebih jauh dengan CT Scan. Alat ini bisa memberi gambaran yang lebih jelas.
Jika pada saat dilahirkan ubun-ubun bayi sudah menutup, maka kemungkinan penyebabnya bisa merupakan kelainan bawaan atau infeksi selama kehamilan. Di samping itu, craniosynostosis antara lain bisajuga disebabkan gangguan perkembangan jaringan otak dan kelainan tulang seperti osteopetrosis (pertumbuhan dan kepadatan tulang yang berlebihan).
Namun pada kebanyakan kasus, kelainan tulang hanya merupakan salah satu dari beberapa kelainan yang ditemukan dalam sindrom-sindrom tertentu. Oleh karena itu, dokter juga akan melihat, apakah kelainan pada ubun ubun dan tulang kepala ini merupakan satu-satunya kelainan, atau merupakan bagian dari berbagai kelainan dalam sindrom tertentu. Kalau ternyata ada kelainan pada organ lain, tentunya akan dilihat juga, bagaimana penanganannya secara keseluruhan, tidak hanya kelainan di tulang tengkoraknya ini.
Sudah pasti, ubun-ubun yang menutup terlalu cepat akan menghambat perkembangan otak bayi dan menimbulkan gangguan. Dengan kata lain, sel-sel otak yang yang seharusnya berkembang malah tertahan oleh tulang tengkoraknya sendiri. “Biasanya gangguan yang muncul berupa cerebral
palsy, atau kelumpuhan yang sifatnya kaku,” tutur Irawan.
Kalau saja, penutupan yang terlalu cepat itu terjadi pada usia yang tidak jauh dari batas normal (6-20 bulan), tentu kelainannya takterlalu berat. Begitu pula jika ubun-ubun yang menutup itu tak
diikuti dengan penutupan sutura-sutura lainnya, maka gangguan yang terjadi tentu akan lebih ringan daripada bila ubun-ubun dan suturanya sama-sama sudah menutup.
Beda halnya jika proses penutupan tulang tengkorak berlangsung sejak baru lahir atau berada di kandungan, proses keterhambatan perkembangan otaknya tentu lebih lama sehingga gangguan yang timbul akan lebih banyak dan berat. Artinya, manifestasi gangguan tumbuh kembang pada
bayi yang bersangkutan bisa berbeda-beda, tergantung pada bagian otak sebelah mana yang perkembangannya terhambat, dan kapan terjadinya prosespenghambatan atau penutupan itu.
Jika memang diketahui suturanya sudah menutup, maka perlu dilakukan tindakan operasi oleh dokter bedah saraf untuk melepas lagi sambungan tersebut. Dengan begitu, diharapkan otaknya tetap bisa terus tumbuh dan berkembang. “Ini satu-satunya cara untuk mencegah gangguan makin parah.” ujar Irawan. “Hanya saja, kadangkala walau sudah dioperasi, tulang tulang itu bisa cepat menyambung lagi.”
Pertimbangan untuk mengambil tindakan operasi, juga bergantung pada apakah si bayi mengalami peningkatan tekanan intra kranial (dalam kepala). Jika memang terdapat tanda-tanda peningkatan tekanan dalam kepala, maka tindakan operasi harus segera dilakukan.
Tekanan bisa terjadi bila sutura kepala dan ubun-ubun sudah menyatu sementara jaringan otak di bawahnya tetap berkembang dan bertambah besar sehingga dalam rongga otak tak lagi tersedia ruang. Desakan yang terus-menerus bahkan bisa sampai menimbulkan herniasi, yaitu ada bagian otak yang terdorong keluar dari rongga otak ke arah dasar kepala. Pada anak, gejala peningkatan tekanan dalam kepala ini bisa berupa muntah, lemas tak bertenaga (letargi), dan matanya melotot. “Bahkan kalau sudah berat keadaannya, bisa ada gangguan kesadaran,” demikian Irawan memberi gambaran.
Sebaliknya, bila diketahui bahwa jaringan otak bayi yang bersangkutan tidak lagi berkembang dan karenanya tak terjadi peningkatan tekanan intra kranial, maka tindakan operasi tak dilakukan. “Manfaatnya tidak akan besar,” komentarnya, “bahkan bisa jadi sutura di kepala dan ubun-ubun itu menutup lebih cepat karena memang otaknya tak dapat tumbuh dan berkembang dengan baik.” Jika memang demikian yang terjadi, maka upaya penanganan harus difokuskan pada terapi untuk mengatasi kerusakan atau gangguan perkembangan yang telah terjadi.
Jumat, 24 Desember 2010
a class room action research
Improving Student’s Vocabulary Mastery using Audio Visual Aids (AVA)
(A Classroom Action Research at SDIT NURUL ISLAM Pare Kediri)
In practical fulfillment of the requirement of language research assignment of fifth semester in English department of teacher training and education faculty university of Nusanatara PGRI Kediri
1. Ayu ananda putri
2. Feni rusdiana
3. Devinta shita dewi
4. Naza Ariefta
5. Nenes aningtyas
6. Nurjanah
7. Pitri setyo
8. Prischa Ayu L.C
9. Rani anggraini
10. Sandra R.
11. Siti uswatun
Chapter 1
A. Background of Study
In Indonesia, English is categorized a foreign language because English is not our language and it has different word and structure with our language. In addition, English also as International Language which is used in International communication. So, in order to know recent information in the world we are demanded to master English.
Because of the important role of English, recently English is taught from kindergarten or elementary school. English teacher in these levels needs more knowledge about young learners besides mastering English. It is done because young learners have certain characteristics that differ from adult learner, namely: children can not learn abstract things, their interest is restricted to themselves and surroundings, etc. by knowing these characteristic, teacher can make consideration in choosing the method and material in teaching this subject.
As stated in Elementary School curriculum, teaching English consists of four language skills, they are: listening, speaking, writing and grammatical. The four language skills are supported by language aspects such as vocabulary, pronunciation, and structure. Actually, mastering vocabulary is essential in learning English, because it is the basic component to learn the four language skills.
Fauzianti (2005: 155) “States that Vocabulary is Central to Language”, without a sufficient vocabulary, one cannot communicate or express his idea both oral and written form.
SDIT NURUL ISLAM is one of Islamic Elementary School in Pare and English is the main subject in this school, because of the important role of mastering vocabulary in learning English, some teachers in this school put emphasizes of English subject in the first semester on teaching vocabulary. In each meeting, the teacher drills of the week.
In fact, after conducting an observation in SDIT NURUL ISLAM, the writer found three problems in mastering English vocabulary.
First, the student pronunciation is still poor. It can be seen when they pronounce the word “table” and “computer”, they pronounce those words as /table/ and /computer/ that exactly should be pronounced /te’bl/ and /kom’pju:te(r)/. The writer thinks that their pronunciation is influenced by their mother tongue and the spelling of the word.
Second, their spelling is also poor. It can be seen when they write the word “cat”, “bed”, and “window”. The students write the words as “ket”, “bet”, and “windou”. It is because their spelling is influenced by the pronunciation of the word. In fact, the pronunciation and spelling in English words are different.
Third, their capability of the concept of meaning is not so bad, but sometimes they are still confused to the word that its object is closed, such as wall and ceiling. It can be proved, when the teacher pointed the “blackboard” picture, some students mentioned “wall”. In contrary, when the teacher pointed ”blackboard” picture they mentioned “wall”.
Nation (1990) in read (2000: 26) stated that knowing a word cover some components, they are: form, position, function, and meaning. Form consists of spoken and written form, Position consists of grammatical pattern and collocation, function consists of frequency and appropriateness of the word with other word.
In this research, the writer only applies some components, such as spoken form (pronunciation), written from (spelling) and concept of meaning. It is done because only those aspects appropriate with the young learners.
To solve some problems above the writer tries to use audio visual aids in teaching vocabulary. Audio visual aids are devices which are audible (can be heard) and visible (can be seen) (Hamzah, 1985: 11). By using this aid the students can watch the cartoon video that represent the vocabulary and also listen its pronunciation from the native speaker. It will make them feel interested in learning vocabulary, because they can watch the image of the object directly. In fact, the students’ interest will influence their capability in mastering vocabulary.
In applying this method, the writer uses repetition to teach vocabulary.
Brook (1964) in Fauziati (2005: 34) states that in repetition the students repeat an utterance aloud as soon as he has heard it.
So, after the student to the native speaker of the video and look up the image of the vocabulary, the teacher asks them to initiate and repeat it.
Indeed the writer is interested in improving the students’ vocabulary and in this research the writer will try to apply audio visual aid as a media in teaching vocabulary. Those writers will do a research entitled.
Improving Student’s Vocabulary Using Audio Visual Aids.
(A Class room action research at SDIT NURUL ISLAM)
B. Scope of the research
This class room action research study was conducted for the first semester in first year students at SDIT NURUL ISLAM Pare – Kediri. In this research using audio visual aids to improve student’s vocabulary. After the student to the native speaker of the video and look up the image of the vocabulary, the teacher asks them to initiate and repeat it.
C. Research question
Based on the background of the study above, the writer formulates the research into the questions as follows:
1. Can audio visual aids improve the student’s vocabulary?
D. Objective of the study
There are some objectives of this study:
1. General objective :
Improving the student’s vocabulary by teaching using audio visual aids.
2. Specific objective
It is to:
a) Describe the implementation of audio visual aids in improving student’s vocabulary, especially in its pronunciation, spelling, and concept of meaning.
b) Describe the find whether audio visual aids improve the students’ vocabulary especially in its pronunciation, spelling and concept of meaning.
c) Describe the students’ response to the technique implemented that is using audio visual aids.
E. Benefit of the study
The research will give some benefit as follows:
1) Theoretical benefit
The research can be useful to other researcher who wants to conduct a research that is related to the same theme that is vocabulary.
The research will give clear description on the implementation of teaching vocabulary using audio visual aids in improving student’s vocabulary.
2) Practical benefit
The result of teaching vocabulary using audio visual aids can be reference for English teacher in order to improve the student’s vocabulary using audio visual aids.
The result of learning using audio visual aids can be useful for the students in improving their vocabulary.
The writer will get clear description of the implementation of teaching English using audio visual aids and apply this technique in real teaching.
Chapter II
A. Vocabulary.
A vocabulary is a set of word known to a person or other entity, or that are part of a specific languange. The vocabulary of a person is defined either as the set of all words that are understood by that person or the set of all words likely to be used by that person when contructing new sentence.
Incresing the size of one’s vocabulary, also called vocabulary building, is generally concidered to be an important part of both learming a language and improving one’s skills in a language in which one is already proficent. Hence schoolchildren are often taught new words. Colloquaially reffered to as voab words or just vocab, as a part of a particular unit or lesson. Similary, many adults find vocabulary building to be a fun and educational activity, as evidenced in the popularity of “ word a day” services such as mailing lists and destop calendars.
B. Vocabulary acquisition.
The process of learning a native or a second language, how children learn to speak is not perfectly understood, most explantions involve both the observation that chldren what they hear and the inference that human beings have a natural aptitude for understanding grammar. The acquisition of second or foreing language studied primarily by applied linguistis. Pepole learning a second language pass through some of the same stages, including overgenaralization as do children learning their native language.
The task of teaching vocabulary acquisition skills usually falls to language arts teachers. This is a significant responsibility because formal learning. The kinds of learning that students that students do in school. Demands vocabulary knowledge.
C. Teaching vocabulary using audiovisual aids.
Audio visual aids in one form or the other have been use in teaching or learning process. Audio visual aids are those devices or procedures that help to make teaching and learning more interesting, more stimulating more reinforcing and more effective. Because audo visual aids can be both heard and seen, They include television and films.
Some view points :
1. A good’s dictionary of education : audio visual aids imply anything by means of which learning process may be encoraged on carried on through the sesse of hearing or the sese of sight
2. Carter V. Good : audio visual aids are those which help in compliting the triagular process of learning i.e, motivation, classification and stimulation.
3. Edger dale : audio visual aids are those devices by the use of which communication of ideas between persons and groups in various teaching and training situation is helped. These are also termed aas multi sensory materials
4. Kinder, S james : audio visula aids are any device which can be used to make learning experience more concrete, more realistic and more dynamic
D. Procedure in teaching using aodivisual aids.
In teaching english using audio visual aids the teacher befor teach must know :
1. leavel of students.
2. find audio visual aids fit with the student’s leavel.
3. choice the good and interesting audio visual aids.
When teacher play audio visual the students hear and see than the students repeat the vocabulary and write down in the paper.
E. Rationale
The rationale of the action research to improving student’s vocabulary using audio visual aids will be better in pronunciation, speaking and concept of meaning.
F. Hypotesis.
Based on the above statement the writer proposes the hypothesis of this action as follows :
The use of AVA to teaching vocabulary in SDIT NURUL ISLAM PARE KEDIRI can improve the student’s vocabulary.
Chapter III
Research method
A. Research design
This class room action research was carried in SDIT NURUL ISLAM PARE – KEDIRI. The subjects of this research are all of the first year students of SDIT NURUL ISLAM, mainly 1A class in improve thair English vocabulary mastery.
It is expected that they will be able to imrpove their own vocabulary mastery as soon as they are learning English vocabulary by using AVA. The students in this class are 30 students consisting of ten male and twenty famale students.
B. Research prosedure
a) General description of the research
This research was implemented by means of a cyclical model, which has activities beginning with:
b) Detail of research procedure
1. Preparation
There are six steps to be done before conducting the actions, they are:
1) Prepare the themes and subject the themes to be presented
2) Prepare the audio visual aids used as the teaching media
3) Prepare the vocabulary test dialing with the selected themes or sub themes
4) Design the main procedure how to present audio visual aids as teaching media
5) Prepare the monitoring instruments as well a instruments for evaluation
6) Prepare the formula how to sore the students test
2. Implementation
The implementation of this research was carried out during the school hours. The writer carried but her classroom action reseacrh by her self without any others, because she had been their English teacher. So it was not so difficult to conduct this her research , because she had been familiar enough with the whole class members.she planned to hold her research based on the planned progras that she had proposed. She belived that she would be able to improve thephenomena, condition existing in the classroom.
3. Monitoring and evaluation
The writer held on the monitoring as long as the school were going on. It was carried out by the writer without any other helps. The monitoring as focused on the use of audio visual as the teaching media toward the improvement of their vocabulary mastery.evaluation was carried to know whether or not the applied action, that use of audio visual aids as teaching media, can improvee the students vocabulary mastery.
4. Analysis and reflection
Test is also considered as another importent thing to analyze the needed data in the reseacrh. The test is used to get the data about learning using audio visual.
Rianto ( 1996 : 83 ) state that test means a series of practices or questions that is used to measure ability, skill, knowledge, intelligence, and talent of someone or group. In the other word, test is a series of practice or questions that must be answered to measure the abiity of the students. Then, the student’s ability is shown by number of the test items that they can do correctely.
Meanwhiie, Hornby (1986:3) says that achievement is something achieved or done successfully with effort or skill. It can be said that achievement test is a series of practice or questions used to measure whether the effort done by the students are successful or not.
Based on the statement above, the researcher use the achievement test on English vocabulary because the resesearher wants to know and measure the students achievement in comprehending words, mainly the key words written in the given texts. Test,which is used as the instrument for collecting data. In this research the writer used test formulated in the forms of objetive test, which multiple choice.
5. Place and time of the research
a. place
In this study, the writer give explanation that the research was held in the first years students in SDIT NURUL ISLAM PARE – KEDIRI.
b. About time
To determine how long the research must be held, it’s necessary to arrange the time schedule of the researh according to the activities which are done for the research while the time of the research was at 20 November 2010 until the end of Maret 2011.
C. Techique of collecting the data
the techniques of data collection in this research are teaching using audio visual aids, test and observation. In this research was teaching using audio visual aids and given a test to the students.
(A Classroom Action Research at SDIT NURUL ISLAM Pare Kediri)
In practical fulfillment of the requirement of language research assignment of fifth semester in English department of teacher training and education faculty university of Nusanatara PGRI Kediri
1. Ayu ananda putri
2. Feni rusdiana
3. Devinta shita dewi
4. Naza Ariefta
5. Nenes aningtyas
6. Nurjanah
7. Pitri setyo
8. Prischa Ayu L.C
9. Rani anggraini
10. Sandra R.
11. Siti uswatun
Chapter 1
A. Background of Study
In Indonesia, English is categorized a foreign language because English is not our language and it has different word and structure with our language. In addition, English also as International Language which is used in International communication. So, in order to know recent information in the world we are demanded to master English.
Because of the important role of English, recently English is taught from kindergarten or elementary school. English teacher in these levels needs more knowledge about young learners besides mastering English. It is done because young learners have certain characteristics that differ from adult learner, namely: children can not learn abstract things, their interest is restricted to themselves and surroundings, etc. by knowing these characteristic, teacher can make consideration in choosing the method and material in teaching this subject.
As stated in Elementary School curriculum, teaching English consists of four language skills, they are: listening, speaking, writing and grammatical. The four language skills are supported by language aspects such as vocabulary, pronunciation, and structure. Actually, mastering vocabulary is essential in learning English, because it is the basic component to learn the four language skills.
Fauzianti (2005: 155) “States that Vocabulary is Central to Language”, without a sufficient vocabulary, one cannot communicate or express his idea both oral and written form.
SDIT NURUL ISLAM is one of Islamic Elementary School in Pare and English is the main subject in this school, because of the important role of mastering vocabulary in learning English, some teachers in this school put emphasizes of English subject in the first semester on teaching vocabulary. In each meeting, the teacher drills of the week.
In fact, after conducting an observation in SDIT NURUL ISLAM, the writer found three problems in mastering English vocabulary.
First, the student pronunciation is still poor. It can be seen when they pronounce the word “table” and “computer”, they pronounce those words as /table/ and /computer/ that exactly should be pronounced /te’bl/ and /kom’pju:te(r)/. The writer thinks that their pronunciation is influenced by their mother tongue and the spelling of the word.
Second, their spelling is also poor. It can be seen when they write the word “cat”, “bed”, and “window”. The students write the words as “ket”, “bet”, and “windou”. It is because their spelling is influenced by the pronunciation of the word. In fact, the pronunciation and spelling in English words are different.
Third, their capability of the concept of meaning is not so bad, but sometimes they are still confused to the word that its object is closed, such as wall and ceiling. It can be proved, when the teacher pointed the “blackboard” picture, some students mentioned “wall”. In contrary, when the teacher pointed ”blackboard” picture they mentioned “wall”.
Nation (1990) in read (2000: 26) stated that knowing a word cover some components, they are: form, position, function, and meaning. Form consists of spoken and written form, Position consists of grammatical pattern and collocation, function consists of frequency and appropriateness of the word with other word.
In this research, the writer only applies some components, such as spoken form (pronunciation), written from (spelling) and concept of meaning. It is done because only those aspects appropriate with the young learners.
To solve some problems above the writer tries to use audio visual aids in teaching vocabulary. Audio visual aids are devices which are audible (can be heard) and visible (can be seen) (Hamzah, 1985: 11). By using this aid the students can watch the cartoon video that represent the vocabulary and also listen its pronunciation from the native speaker. It will make them feel interested in learning vocabulary, because they can watch the image of the object directly. In fact, the students’ interest will influence their capability in mastering vocabulary.
In applying this method, the writer uses repetition to teach vocabulary.
Brook (1964) in Fauziati (2005: 34) states that in repetition the students repeat an utterance aloud as soon as he has heard it.
So, after the student to the native speaker of the video and look up the image of the vocabulary, the teacher asks them to initiate and repeat it.
Indeed the writer is interested in improving the students’ vocabulary and in this research the writer will try to apply audio visual aid as a media in teaching vocabulary. Those writers will do a research entitled.
Improving Student’s Vocabulary Using Audio Visual Aids.
(A Class room action research at SDIT NURUL ISLAM)
B. Scope of the research
This class room action research study was conducted for the first semester in first year students at SDIT NURUL ISLAM Pare – Kediri. In this research using audio visual aids to improve student’s vocabulary. After the student to the native speaker of the video and look up the image of the vocabulary, the teacher asks them to initiate and repeat it.
C. Research question
Based on the background of the study above, the writer formulates the research into the questions as follows:
1. Can audio visual aids improve the student’s vocabulary?
D. Objective of the study
There are some objectives of this study:
1. General objective :
Improving the student’s vocabulary by teaching using audio visual aids.
2. Specific objective
It is to:
a) Describe the implementation of audio visual aids in improving student’s vocabulary, especially in its pronunciation, spelling, and concept of meaning.
b) Describe the find whether audio visual aids improve the students’ vocabulary especially in its pronunciation, spelling and concept of meaning.
c) Describe the students’ response to the technique implemented that is using audio visual aids.
E. Benefit of the study
The research will give some benefit as follows:
1) Theoretical benefit
The research can be useful to other researcher who wants to conduct a research that is related to the same theme that is vocabulary.
The research will give clear description on the implementation of teaching vocabulary using audio visual aids in improving student’s vocabulary.
2) Practical benefit
The result of teaching vocabulary using audio visual aids can be reference for English teacher in order to improve the student’s vocabulary using audio visual aids.
The result of learning using audio visual aids can be useful for the students in improving their vocabulary.
The writer will get clear description of the implementation of teaching English using audio visual aids and apply this technique in real teaching.
Chapter II
A. Vocabulary.
A vocabulary is a set of word known to a person or other entity, or that are part of a specific languange. The vocabulary of a person is defined either as the set of all words that are understood by that person or the set of all words likely to be used by that person when contructing new sentence.
Incresing the size of one’s vocabulary, also called vocabulary building, is generally concidered to be an important part of both learming a language and improving one’s skills in a language in which one is already proficent. Hence schoolchildren are often taught new words. Colloquaially reffered to as voab words or just vocab, as a part of a particular unit or lesson. Similary, many adults find vocabulary building to be a fun and educational activity, as evidenced in the popularity of “ word a day” services such as mailing lists and destop calendars.
B. Vocabulary acquisition.
The process of learning a native or a second language, how children learn to speak is not perfectly understood, most explantions involve both the observation that chldren what they hear and the inference that human beings have a natural aptitude for understanding grammar. The acquisition of second or foreing language studied primarily by applied linguistis. Pepole learning a second language pass through some of the same stages, including overgenaralization as do children learning their native language.
The task of teaching vocabulary acquisition skills usually falls to language arts teachers. This is a significant responsibility because formal learning. The kinds of learning that students that students do in school. Demands vocabulary knowledge.
C. Teaching vocabulary using audiovisual aids.
Audio visual aids in one form or the other have been use in teaching or learning process. Audio visual aids are those devices or procedures that help to make teaching and learning more interesting, more stimulating more reinforcing and more effective. Because audo visual aids can be both heard and seen, They include television and films.
Some view points :
1. A good’s dictionary of education : audio visual aids imply anything by means of which learning process may be encoraged on carried on through the sesse of hearing or the sese of sight
2. Carter V. Good : audio visual aids are those which help in compliting the triagular process of learning i.e, motivation, classification and stimulation.
3. Edger dale : audio visual aids are those devices by the use of which communication of ideas between persons and groups in various teaching and training situation is helped. These are also termed aas multi sensory materials
4. Kinder, S james : audio visula aids are any device which can be used to make learning experience more concrete, more realistic and more dynamic
D. Procedure in teaching using aodivisual aids.
In teaching english using audio visual aids the teacher befor teach must know :
1. leavel of students.
2. find audio visual aids fit with the student’s leavel.
3. choice the good and interesting audio visual aids.
When teacher play audio visual the students hear and see than the students repeat the vocabulary and write down in the paper.
E. Rationale
The rationale of the action research to improving student’s vocabulary using audio visual aids will be better in pronunciation, speaking and concept of meaning.
F. Hypotesis.
Based on the above statement the writer proposes the hypothesis of this action as follows :
The use of AVA to teaching vocabulary in SDIT NURUL ISLAM PARE KEDIRI can improve the student’s vocabulary.
Chapter III
Research method
A. Research design
This class room action research was carried in SDIT NURUL ISLAM PARE – KEDIRI. The subjects of this research are all of the first year students of SDIT NURUL ISLAM, mainly 1A class in improve thair English vocabulary mastery.
It is expected that they will be able to imrpove their own vocabulary mastery as soon as they are learning English vocabulary by using AVA. The students in this class are 30 students consisting of ten male and twenty famale students.
B. Research prosedure
a) General description of the research
This research was implemented by means of a cyclical model, which has activities beginning with:
b) Detail of research procedure
1. Preparation
There are six steps to be done before conducting the actions, they are:
1) Prepare the themes and subject the themes to be presented
2) Prepare the audio visual aids used as the teaching media
3) Prepare the vocabulary test dialing with the selected themes or sub themes
4) Design the main procedure how to present audio visual aids as teaching media
5) Prepare the monitoring instruments as well a instruments for evaluation
6) Prepare the formula how to sore the students test
2. Implementation
The implementation of this research was carried out during the school hours. The writer carried but her classroom action reseacrh by her self without any others, because she had been their English teacher. So it was not so difficult to conduct this her research , because she had been familiar enough with the whole class members.she planned to hold her research based on the planned progras that she had proposed. She belived that she would be able to improve thephenomena, condition existing in the classroom.
3. Monitoring and evaluation
The writer held on the monitoring as long as the school were going on. It was carried out by the writer without any other helps. The monitoring as focused on the use of audio visual as the teaching media toward the improvement of their vocabulary mastery.evaluation was carried to know whether or not the applied action, that use of audio visual aids as teaching media, can improvee the students vocabulary mastery.
4. Analysis and reflection
Test is also considered as another importent thing to analyze the needed data in the reseacrh. The test is used to get the data about learning using audio visual.
Rianto ( 1996 : 83 ) state that test means a series of practices or questions that is used to measure ability, skill, knowledge, intelligence, and talent of someone or group. In the other word, test is a series of practice or questions that must be answered to measure the abiity of the students. Then, the student’s ability is shown by number of the test items that they can do correctely.
Meanwhiie, Hornby (1986:3) says that achievement is something achieved or done successfully with effort or skill. It can be said that achievement test is a series of practice or questions used to measure whether the effort done by the students are successful or not.
Based on the statement above, the researcher use the achievement test on English vocabulary because the resesearher wants to know and measure the students achievement in comprehending words, mainly the key words written in the given texts. Test,which is used as the instrument for collecting data. In this research the writer used test formulated in the forms of objetive test, which multiple choice.
5. Place and time of the research
a. place
In this study, the writer give explanation that the research was held in the first years students in SDIT NURUL ISLAM PARE – KEDIRI.
b. About time
To determine how long the research must be held, it’s necessary to arrange the time schedule of the researh according to the activities which are done for the research while the time of the research was at 20 November 2010 until the end of Maret 2011.
C. Techique of collecting the data
the techniques of data collection in this research are teaching using audio visual aids, test and observation. In this research was teaching using audio visual aids and given a test to the students.
Selasa, 01 Juni 2010
Akibat Terlalu Bera-angan2
Terpetik sebuah kisah, seorang pemburu berangkat kehutan dengan membawa busur dan tombak. Dalam hatinya dia berkhayal mau membawa hasil buruan yang paling besar, yaitu seekor rusa. Cara berburunya pun tidak memakai ajing pelacak atau jaring penjerat, tetapi menunggu dibalik sebatang pohon yang memang sering dilalui oleh binatang-binatang buruan.
Tidak lama ia menunggu, seekor kelelawar besar kesiangan terbang hinggap diatas pohon kecil tepat didepan sipemburu. Dengan ayunan parang atau pukulan parang atau pukulan gagang tombaknya , kelelawar itu pasti bisa diperolehnya. Tetapi si pemburu berfikir, ”untuk apa merepotkan diri dengan seekor kelelawar ? apakah artinya dia dibanding dengan seekor rusa besar yang saya incar?”
Tidak lama berselang, seekor kancil lewat. Kancil itu sempat berhenti didepannya bahkan menjilat jilat ujung tombaknya tetapi ia berfikir.” ah, hanya seekor kancil, nanti malah tidak ada yang makan, sia-sia.”agak lama pemburu menunggu. Tiba-tiba terdengar langkah-langkah kaki binatang mendekat, pemburupun mulai siaga penuh, tetapi ternyata, ahhh kijang. Ia pun membiarkannya berlalu. Lama sudah ia menunggu, tetapi tadak ada rusa yang lewat, sehingga ia tertidur. Baru setelah hari sudah sore, rusa yang ditunggu lewat. Rusa itu sampai berhenti didepan pemburu, tetapi ia sedang tertidur. Ketika rusa itu hampir menginjaknya, ia kaget dan spontan ia berteriak, Rusaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! Sehingga rusanya pun kaget dan lari terbirit-birit sebelum sang pemburu menembaknya. Alhasil ia pulang tanpa membawa apa-apa.
Banyak orang yang mempunyai idealisme terlalu besar untuk memperoleh sesuatu yang diinginkannya. Ia befikir yang tinggi-tinggi dan bicaranya pun terkadang sulit dipahami. Tawarn dan kesempatan –kesempatan kecil dilewati begitu saja, tanpa pernah berfikir bahwa mungkin didalamnya ia memperoleh sesuatu yang berharga. Tidak jarang orang-orang seperti itu menelan pil pahit karena akhirnya tidak mendapatkan apa-apa.
Demikan juga dengan seseorang yang mendambakan atau mengidamkan pasangan hidup, yang mengharapakan gadis cantik atau perjaka tampan yang alim,baik,pintar,berpendidikan tinggi dan sempurna lahir batin. Harus puas dengan tidak menemukan siapa-siapa.
Tidak lama ia menunggu, seekor kelelawar besar kesiangan terbang hinggap diatas pohon kecil tepat didepan sipemburu. Dengan ayunan parang atau pukulan parang atau pukulan gagang tombaknya , kelelawar itu pasti bisa diperolehnya. Tetapi si pemburu berfikir, ”untuk apa merepotkan diri dengan seekor kelelawar ? apakah artinya dia dibanding dengan seekor rusa besar yang saya incar?”
Tidak lama berselang, seekor kancil lewat. Kancil itu sempat berhenti didepannya bahkan menjilat jilat ujung tombaknya tetapi ia berfikir.” ah, hanya seekor kancil, nanti malah tidak ada yang makan, sia-sia.”agak lama pemburu menunggu. Tiba-tiba terdengar langkah-langkah kaki binatang mendekat, pemburupun mulai siaga penuh, tetapi ternyata, ahhh kijang. Ia pun membiarkannya berlalu. Lama sudah ia menunggu, tetapi tadak ada rusa yang lewat, sehingga ia tertidur. Baru setelah hari sudah sore, rusa yang ditunggu lewat. Rusa itu sampai berhenti didepan pemburu, tetapi ia sedang tertidur. Ketika rusa itu hampir menginjaknya, ia kaget dan spontan ia berteriak, Rusaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! Sehingga rusanya pun kaget dan lari terbirit-birit sebelum sang pemburu menembaknya. Alhasil ia pulang tanpa membawa apa-apa.
Banyak orang yang mempunyai idealisme terlalu besar untuk memperoleh sesuatu yang diinginkannya. Ia befikir yang tinggi-tinggi dan bicaranya pun terkadang sulit dipahami. Tawarn dan kesempatan –kesempatan kecil dilewati begitu saja, tanpa pernah berfikir bahwa mungkin didalamnya ia memperoleh sesuatu yang berharga. Tidak jarang orang-orang seperti itu menelan pil pahit karena akhirnya tidak mendapatkan apa-apa.
Demikan juga dengan seseorang yang mendambakan atau mengidamkan pasangan hidup, yang mengharapakan gadis cantik atau perjaka tampan yang alim,baik,pintar,berpendidikan tinggi dan sempurna lahir batin. Harus puas dengan tidak menemukan siapa-siapa.
english camp 29.05.2010
unp- kediri-2'b..jurusan bahasa inggris.
makin lama makin sayang ama teman nihh..sejak ada english camp di malang temen2 2b alkamdulilah makin kompak dan jadi saudara semoga selamanya bisa seperti ini aminnnnsepulang dari malang aku jadi makin kangen ama teman2 2b bahsa inggris..
dulu nya ita mesti satu kelas wah gak kenal dan cuwek banget deh..satu sama lain nya..bahkan ada juga yang saling menjatuhkan dan juga kalau ketemu aja gak nyapa wah wah padahal satu kelas nihhh
ya maklum sih dulu kita itu dari pindahan kelas, dulu pas tingkat satu ada 8 kelas dan mulai tingkat 2 di oplos jadi 6 kelas dan aku harus pisah ma temen2 ku 1a tapi aku ok2 ajalah karena aku pikir ganti suasana tho semua teman sama saja. tapi ternyata tidakkkkkkkkkkk dan itu membuat aku sedih sekali tapi alkamdulilah sejak persiapan english camp kemarin kita jadi makin sipp dan makin ok..dan ini foto waktu dimalang cantik semua kan? lihat saja wajah ceria yang nampak pada kita !!!
gak ada ruginya kok dosen kita adakan acara ini karena ada hikmahnya yaitu makin kita bersatu..moga persatuan kita terus selamanya kompak ya teman teman ku sayang.
emang english camp ini di adakan untuk pembelajaran kita untuk kebersaman. walaupun kelas kita tidak menang tapi kita sudah hebat bisa bersatu menujukan kekompakan yang hebat walapun kita semua cewek hhehehe enak kan cewek semua...
tapi 2 anak kelas 2b udah mewakili dapat or jadi pemenang artis( lestari ) terbaik juga partisipan terbaik ( novi ria savitri )
lestari emang waktu itu ok banget berekting jadi cewek judes juga sombong sok kaya heheh tapi dia gak judes kok insaALLAH..
kalau si novi heeeee..jadi ingat dia itu emang paling sippp eh sorry bukan teman2 yang lain tidak sipp, novi sip dia itu mau ira iri korban kaki untuk teman2 sejak latihan dia yang urusin konsumsi cari alat2 to song kita dan waktu di malang dia juga pehhhhhhhh ira iri liat kondisi tempat pementasan to mengatur setrateginya agar panggung bisa cukup to temen2 40 anak..
dan lucunya lagi pas mau magrib dan semua belum pada mandi dan maem novi ira iri di luar hotel untuk memastikan makan dihotel udah disajikan belum ..sampai dia ditanyak ma pelayannya ''ada apa mbak'? hehe si novi jawab ''ni cuma lewat mau ke aula surve tempat" hahahaha..tapi gak papa deh dengan ke iklasanya demi teman2 tohhh dia juga jadi juara so berbuat baik itu tidak ada ruginya walaupun itu berat dan melelah kan...dan si novi ini care baget ma aku di manapun wehhhhhh di bus aku gak nampak pasti dia bingung mbak jae kemana nihhh dan akan mencari samapai ketemu dan selalu setia menemaniku weleh weleh...tapi jangan salah ya.. semua temanku 2b juga baik lho dan gak bisa aku sebutkan satu persatu sekarang insaALLAH kan aku sebutkan satu persatu.
ok good luck 2b...we 2b we ready yak yak e...
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